Archive for ‘Uncategorized’

November 13, 2011

Kimberly Scott//San Antonio Wedding Photography: Happy Accidents

As a photographer, I have learned that the photos I’m supposed to keep are the ones that are:

Properly exposed, crisp and clear and in focus, properly composed.

But sometimes… I turn my back on the rules, almost purposely defy them because I find a shot that does not meet any of the traditional photography criteria. I have shot so many weddings, I almost go into robot mode when choosing the images to keep and those to reject.

This shot is one I rejected. It was by accident that I decided to keep it. As I was choosing the images to move to the reject pile, I came across this one that was in the reject pile. BUT… it made me remember this moment between Tony and Heather. They had just said “I do” and were only minutes as husband and wife.

I remember that feeling. I didn’t want the image to be lost just because it wasn’t as good as the “rules” say it should be.

I am so happy I kept it. I hope when they look back at it, they are able to recall the moments after becoming husband and wife and focus less on the imperfections (as I’m sure most of the photogs looking have pointed out already:)

This experience taught me that breaking the rules can be rewarding. It also taught me to let a few “rejects” make it to the “keep” pile every now and then. Because the moment caught within these imperfect images is worth more than a perfect image of nothing important.

Maybe I’ll apply this idea to life more often as well; start seeing the imperfect things in life as little treasures of something more special than the imperfect package it’s given in.

I’ll be featuring more of Heather and Tony’s (in focus) wedding soon!

November 7, 2011

Kimberly Scott//San Antonio Maternity Photography: Carly Johnston

Few things in life make me happier than the births of children. Whether it be my own or those of other beautiful people. Carly and Andrew are one of those beautiful couples. I love the feeling surrounding those who are waiting for children to be born. I find myself so happy to be able to be a part of such special times. I am a very inquisitive person so I find myself thinking… I wonder what the little ones will look like? (they are pregnant with twins), what will there personalities be like?, will they know how special this time was for their parents?

I know I do and I know how blessed I feel to have been a part of it all:)

October 10, 2011

Seattle newborn photography//Slater

Every now and then, I get the pleasure of photographing people near and dear to my heart. This was one of those occasions. In August Jonathan and I flew to photograph Tom and Kristina’s wedding. I met Kristina via my college roommate Kalina. Kalina has always been a very special person to me. She has always accepted me just as I am, supported me in everything I do and is never a high maintenance friend.

I am blessed she is in my life. I also feel blessed to have been able to do photos of her sweet baby while I was in Seattle. I didn’t want to put him down the entire time I was there. With Jade and Lulu being 7 and 8 and thinking they are 21, I miss the gentleness of babies:)

The weather was not the best (being Seattle we have no idea when it would start raining) so we moved pretty fast to take photos of Slater. He slept through most of it and even let me move him into funny positions.

Nothing is more rewarding than being able to share what I love to do with my friends and family. I can’t wait to see this little guy grow up as I take more and more photos of him!

September 30, 2011

Tony & Heather///San Antonio Engagement Photographer

Meet Tony and Heather. They are such a beautiful couple that I think it would have been impossible to take a bad photo of them! I’m so excited to be shooting their wedding in November as well!

I do my best to use my engagement sessions to tell a story of each couple’s connection. It’s my job to take what I see and help it come across visually in a photo. It wasn’t hard with these two. As you will see, they are very sweet together.

I’ve also started providing a monochromatic copy of all photos to my couples. This is for several reasons:

I love b&w prints, they look great in a cluster on a wall and I love giving a little extra to my clients.

While I love the color versions of these photos as shown in the first two, I just felt that the bw copies told the story better. So that’s what I’m sharing today:)

Tony and Heather, thank you so much for letting me be a part of this special experience!

September 26, 2011

Corpus Christi, TX//Fall Photos

Fall is one of my favorite seasons! Unfortunately, we don’t get much of one here in Texas. While I keep seeing photos of girls with new boots and cute scarves, I am still wearing sandals and tank tops. I don’t like to complain about the weather too much, because it could be much worse, but I do sometimes wish we had the four seasons.

I’ve never been one to linger too long on things I can’t change, so I mold to them.

A few ways I’ve embraced fall in my own way:

  • Incorporating the fall colors into my wardrobe (even if it’s not sweaters and jackets yet). I love the dress below that my lovely friend Zel from Honey in the Sun let me borrow for our beach shoot this weekend.
  • Getting pumpkin flavored drinks/candles.
  • Letting my bangs grow out for the winter for a change.
  • Taking walks at night when it actually feels like fall.
  • Paying more attention to the leaves that have fallen (I swear they have secret messages in them;)
  • Planning more DIY projects with the kids (this week we are making our own picture frames with my friend Chris Pichado)
  • Putting more inspirational books on my list to keep my spirit upbeat through the winter months
  • Living vicariously through craft blogs and Martha Stewart magazines because I know I don’t have the time to do any for myself.
  • Making plans for more dinner parties with friends, because they need it and I need them.
  • Giving myself room for improvement, renewal, change, growth and even failure, because they are all necessary for progress.
I hope wherever you are, you are enjoying your season!  Light a fire, take photos of the leaves, get a pumpkin spice latte… or if you are in Texas, go to the beach and enjoy the breeze!
Many thanks to Zelina Garza and Nichole Groves for taking these photos for me. If felt nice to be amongst friends, in the elements, barefoot;)

August 26, 2011


What happens when you jump into something without knowing quite what you are jumping into?

It goes well or it goes wrong.

In this case, it went really well.

Over a year ago, I met Chris Pichado, a local photographer. He quickly became one of my best friends and like bffs do, we began discussing dreams of making movies and directing films. For a year now, we were not able to test those dreams to see if we could pull it off. Until Chris came to me and said we should enter the 48 Hr Film Project.

Now he nor I had ever directed a film before. I’ve shot client videos and directed a few music videos, but nothing like a film. And I had no idea what we were in for. 48 hours to come up with a short film with the theme and rules given to us, of continual thinking, brainstorming, arguing, executing ideas was what we were in for. We put together this short commercial to ask for help first:

We had hoped to get a few people to help out, but what we got was an AMAZING team. 28 awesome and creative people without egos and without attitude, all chasing their own dreams and ready to be a part of something new and bigger.

What a wonderful experience this was for me. Chris and I were co-directors and I was so nervous going in that we were in over our heads. As we got started though, I realized that we were exactly where we were meant to be, doing exactly what we were meant to do. I loved each and every minute of it. We all worked together as a team to come up with a story and pull it off in that short amount of time. There is no way it could have gone so well without each and every person’s input. I made some great friends and gained a lot of respect for myself, my husband (who acted and did production assistance) and my fellow artists.

We were given the Sci-Fi theme (one that I was not prepared for) and I was wondering how we would be able to pull that off. Especially since it was no where near the style I am used to filming/photographing. But, that’s what obstacles are for, to knock down and keep on moving to get to something amazing.

Nothing could have prepared me for what was to come out of it…

We won best film!

Not only did we win best film, but we also won:


I was blown away that we did so well. Each and every one of us deserved the outcome because we put our hearts into it. I want to thank the amazing team I had beside me the entire time and can’t wait to see what’s to come in the future. I  know which each project, we will all become better people/artists.

Here is our film:

This film was produced by the Hidden Track Films team as an entry into the 2011 48 Hour Film Project – San Antonio, Texas. For more information on this project, check them out at-​sanantonio/​

Required Elements
Genre: Sci-Fi
Character: Ross/Rose Gillen
Occupation: Upholster or Furniture Maker
Line of Dialog: “I wouldn’t count on it”
Object: Wrapped Present
Best Costumes
Best Sound Design
Best Directing
Best Editing
Audience Award – Screening Group B
Best Film – 2011 San Antonio

March 16, 2010

If you want something done, ask a busy person to do it. The more things you do, the more you can do. Lucille Ball't.tell.anyone.

It seems like we are always up to something…always looking for things to keep our attention. 

These days, I am so busy but it's a good busy. As I continue to do the things I love, more doors are opening, more things are getting "done" for once.

It's spring break for Jade and Lulu. It has been such a hectic few days, but I think it's who we are. Being able to see more of them has been such a joy to me. We've had a ton of fun so far. Having said that, I am definitely glad to see bedtime come though each night:)

We will be doing videos each week… sort of "What we say" type things. This week is just some random banter…what we also do well:) They are definitely my children… my scattered, weird, funny children.

For your viewing pleasure:

These are the photos that inspired the video:)

Photo 26 

Photo 104

Photo 102 

Photo 95 

Photo 28 

Speaking of scattered… I am always trying to find new ways to keep my creativity going. Ways to challenge my thinking if you will. I am so busy most days with real life that I sometimes don't get to "be" creative. However…. last week I found this Hiptamatic App for my iPhone and it's changed my world. I adore it. It takes photos from your phone and turns them into vintage loveliness. I have literally used this app daily. I am able to catch those special moments… plus, it gives me another reason to do self portraits (not like I need one:).

These are a few of my favorites from this last week:







Lastly, I finalllllly saw Alice in Wonderland. I did a shoot inspired by the movie (I know its been done… and Tim Burton haters… leave now:)

I will give my opinion on the movie plus sharing photos by the end of the week. For now, here is a sneak peak of what I did…

A red queenweb

That's my Lulu: my very own little Red Queen.

I hope you all are having the best week so far, I plan on being around here a lot more from now on:)

Til then, Loves.