Archive for March, 2010

March 25, 2010

Creative Artist Spotlight “Laura Marie”

Today I am debuting my new feature "Creative Artist Spotlight".  

When, I put out a call for artists on my facebook back in the fall, I had no idea I would get such a response. My list for this year is amazing.
I will be featuring local and national artists such as photographers, musicians, crafters and writers.
I am inspired daily by those I see around me or online, I thought it best to share what I see.

My first artist is Laura Marie.

Laura marie pic 

Photo by: Mack Damon

Here is Laura Marie's latest music video (can you see my cameo?) 

Speical thanks to Mack Damon for filming and editing.

I had a great time speaking with Laura Marie and I plan on being around here a lot more soon!

Happy Thursday Friends! ❤

March 19, 2010

I love Lu-Lu

Currently I am lying in bed, Missy Higgins in my headphones and random blogging from my typepad app on my iPhone (it lets me upload photos and everything:) I love technology, my new polka-dotted ruffle skirt and my little mini me.

 Tonight Jade fell asleep early so lulu and I ate Milano cookies and thought of things to photograph with my phone. Then we sat on the balcony wrapped in a blanket until we both fell asleep. Before she dozed off she said "i cant wait to think of new things to take pictures of." sigh warms my heart. I love these random nights:)
The photos below are from my hipstamatic app for my phone.
Happy Friday friends<3

I love Lu-Lu

I love Lu-Lu

I love Lu-Lu

I love Lu-Lu

I love Lu-Lu

I love Lu-Lu

I love Lu-Lu

March 16, 2010

If you want something done, ask a busy person to do it. The more things you do, the more you can do. Lucille Ball't.tell.anyone.

It seems like we are always up to something…always looking for things to keep our attention. 

These days, I am so busy but it's a good busy. As I continue to do the things I love, more doors are opening, more things are getting "done" for once.

It's spring break for Jade and Lulu. It has been such a hectic few days, but I think it's who we are. Being able to see more of them has been such a joy to me. We've had a ton of fun so far. Having said that, I am definitely glad to see bedtime come though each night:)

We will be doing videos each week… sort of "What we say" type things. This week is just some random banter…what we also do well:) They are definitely my children… my scattered, weird, funny children.

For your viewing pleasure:

These are the photos that inspired the video:)

Photo 26 

Photo 104

Photo 102 

Photo 95 

Photo 28 

Speaking of scattered… I am always trying to find new ways to keep my creativity going. Ways to challenge my thinking if you will. I am so busy most days with real life that I sometimes don't get to "be" creative. However…. last week I found this Hiptamatic App for my iPhone and it's changed my world. I adore it. It takes photos from your phone and turns them into vintage loveliness. I have literally used this app daily. I am able to catch those special moments… plus, it gives me another reason to do self portraits (not like I need one:).

These are a few of my favorites from this last week:







Lastly, I finalllllly saw Alice in Wonderland. I did a shoot inspired by the movie (I know its been done… and Tim Burton haters… leave now:)

I will give my opinion on the movie plus sharing photos by the end of the week. For now, here is a sneak peak of what I did…

A red queenweb

That's my Lulu: my very own little Red Queen.

I hope you all are having the best week so far, I plan on being around here a lot more from now on:)

Til then, Loves.