"Sometimes you gotta race" Saturdays.

Jonathan and I are big Dave Chappelle fans… thus the title of this post.I have decided to dedicate Saturdays to sharing a few ideas on living life to the fullest in those:

spur-the-moment-fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants-don’t-look-back-take-a-few-risks-without-worrying-about-what-others-think… kinda times.

Yesterday I got this awesome swimsuit from Modcloth. I just love wearing new things right when I get them (even if it makes no sense practically). I decided I wanted to wear it on our road trip traveling home to see my family.I mean why not right?I chose to wear it as a top. I threw a gray flowy skirt on over it and off we went. Half way through our trip, Jonathan makes a U-turn. I had no idea what he was thinking until we pulled into this old gas station.

Jonathan: “You are going to love me for this.”

Me: “Do you think we can take photos here?”

Jonathan: “You do your makeup and I’ll ask. I mean who cares.”

We had no idea if it was okay. I literally jumped out and we did a photoshoot in about 5 mins. There were people driving by and lots of stares (I am sure people thought we were crazy), but it was worth the experience.I am so happy he made me take the time to stop and do something I could have just passed on. It was a lot of fun and for a moment, I felt like I was back in time… to the era that I wished I had been born in.I hope to do more things like this on all the Saturdays in my future. Or on a Tuesday… whatever. With the universe screaming at me to live each day to the fullest, I am blessed to have been able to listen today. And eventhough most of our day was spent driving, listening to cheesy pop/80s rock… this 5 mins was the highlight of my day.

I dare you to do something random…Something scary…something liberating. Then come share it with me…please?:)

4 Comments to “"Sometimes you gotta race" Saturdays.”

  1. I love this suit!! you look gorgeous and you have such a great body!!! Im jealous!!
    Love the theme of this post

  2. Beautiful – love it all! And wow, this was a spur-of-the-moment, let’s-just-do-this thing? Yessssss, ya gotta love that sweet man of yours a little more for knowing this would be perfection! I think you should keep him! Amazing vision, Jonathan!

  3. I think it look beautiful on you love.

  4. You are so inspiring Kimberly! I love your idea for Saturdays posts about living life to the fullest. It is something that most of us take for granted and not do…

    Even if it was just that short 5 minutes in your day, that is what you are going to remember forever. 🙂

    My summer (and continual) goal for myself is just that-live life! I am planning so much to do to grow in photography (and as a person) this year. Whereas, I would normally be to shy to do, and not even try…

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