Kimmie by day… Kimberly by night.

I love my friends. My real ones. The ones I can be my complete self around and they support me, make me laugh, make fun of me. I love that status, money, or my ability to do something for them does not dictate their love for me. I love that we are all broken, ambitious, loving and imperfect. I love that my husband is one of those friends.

Last weekend my friend Wes Harlee had his CD release party and everyone came out for it. While I was waiting for Jonathan to meet me before the show, I met up with Chris and in true Kim and Chris fashion, we got bored and decided to take photos of each other in the street.

When I’m not working on client projects, a lot of my days go like this. Kimmie gets bored. Kimmie takes photos in random places.

My nights are much different. My nights (when the kids are at their dad’s house) are sometimes a little crazy. And by crazy, I mean the weekends are sometimes filled with catching local musician friends shows and hanging with friends where I spend most of my time telling random stories or talking too much due to lack of sleep. Do I make a habit of it, not usually but on occasion I think it’s great to get out and let your hair down.

Here is an example of my day/night last Friday:)
(Most of the night photos taken by Amber Rose McConnell who oddly didn’t make it IN to any of the photos;)


2 Comments to “Kimmie by day… Kimberly by night.”

  1. “…hanging with friends where I spend most of my time telling random stories or talking too much due to lack of sleep.” What? No way! LOL

    You guys are so talented. I. LOVE. IT.

  2. I love it and you .. beautiful post

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