Happy Birthday Jen!

You can't turn back the clock. But you can wind it up again. -Bonnie Prudden

It’s her birthday. It’s not just her day… it’s her year, her moment, her life.

She chooses to not look back. She chooses to move forward. She chooses happiness. She chooses passion… always.

She doesn’t focus on what she can’t change, what others can’t accept and what she can not control.

She looks ahead to the biggest of dreams she has for herself, for her daughter, for her “family/friends”.

For she knows the clock can not be stopped, reversed or slowed.

So she wears it as proof of the years and  months and days and hours and minutes she has put into this life just trying to make the best of it.


there is no guarantee of tomorrow.

Today this is your day Jen.

Happy Birthday!

I love you.

2 Comments to “Happy Birthday Jen!”

  1. Awesome Kimmie! I’m lovin it!

  2. and you’re the best friend that anyone could ask for 😉

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